our crazy friend, chris, from MD, was suffering from cabin fever with all the snow and ice going on up north so when a weather window popped up, he jumped on his motorcycle and came down to FL, spent three hours with us, then turned around and went right back - totally insane! it was good to see him though.
the marina is very nice - very organized, great for a long-term stay. they even have a bus schedule that takes cruisers to the usual stores that cruisers frequent. there are parks everywhere and the area is, for want of a better word, very "manicured." walking down the dock was like going to trawlerfest - and we were one of the small boats. people were constantly coming and going, armed with buckets, mops and rags, cleaning, waxing, polishing... you get the picture - these people were not the boat owners. stuart is a la-di-da place. there was an art festival going on so we checked that out, as well as the farmer's market. i went to work and tom worked on some projects and the week went by quickly. there was live music every night at the bar. there were trains crossing the bridge constantly. it was just a busy place. we dropped the dinghy and went up the st. lucie river a bit towards the okeechobee canal and said - next year, maybe next year we will cross over to the west coast of florida and explore there.
we thought we were leaving on thursday but when the weather forecast started getting iffy, tom went over to the marina office to ask about maybe staying a little longer and it turned out that our week was to end wednesday, i.e. NOW! the funny part is that i had asked tom earlier in the week if we were to leave wednesday or thursday and he counted out the days on a calendar, got himself all confused, and then decided to ask mark. both men said thursday. obviously men cannot count! in any case, no, we were told we were up on wednesday and that we had to leave because someone else was coming in for the slip that we were in and that they, in fact, were already at the marina! oh well... so we left. hahaha... but it was kind of discombobulating when you have a mindset to leave on a certain day and then find out at the last minute that NOW is when you are supposed to leave! the lesson here is to ask the question of people who actually KNOW the answer!
the next stop was vero beach and i was looking forward to that because when we came down south, we stayed at the loggerhead marina which is actually north of vero beach and we never got to see the town. at the time, there was very little room at the vero beach city marina and tom and i weren't particularly thrilled with the idea of rafting up on a mooring with anyone. it is a popular place with cruisers which is why it is sometimes called "velcro" beach. in any case, there was room at the inn this time around which was good because we had just been displaced a day early from stuart. the weather held off pretty well and we were actually happy about leaving early because if we were going to be stuck somewhere secondary to weather, we both preferred it to be at vero beach rather than staying even longer at stuart since we'd already been there a week.
as soon as we motored in, i knew i was going to like the place - we were back in live oaks and spanish moss country! vero beach city marina is not very big so one doesn't have to walk miles and miles to get to shore from the slip. not that it matters, i suppose - i have given up on consuelo making it all the way to shore when she has to go. people generally understand when i say she is ancient. the marina has a mooring field as well but i was very glad to be in a slip. it was very windy and the weather only deteriorated across the days. one of our SAIL rally ducklings was also at vero beach, as well as some people we knew from urbanna whom we bumped into also at st. augustine. our friends, dave and sandy, whom we were supposed to visit in oriental, NC but missed because of the SAIL rally schedule had come south in their truck camper to get away from the snow and ice and were in the vicinity so they stopped by for a little reunion and some lunch.
the city has a bus that goes to the beach so we took advantage of that. luckily, it wasn't raining in the morning and after lunch, because it was cold and windy, we were pretty much ready to go home and got in just before the rain started. the temperature dropped like a stone and we were very glad to be plugged in. i'm surprised that our reverse cycle doesn't get confused. one day it is A/C and the next day it is heat! really, if it hadn't been for the nasty weather, the beach area is very pleasant. lots of little high-end shops to poke into, selling things i could not possibly afford haha! i also noticed lots of banks and investment firms everywhere.
i haven't been taking many photos lately, i know. i haven't been chasing down sunsets either. i should have taken one of the crescent moon and venus the other night at stuart though but did not have the camera with me at the time. i took one today at the beach to show the yellow "moderate risk" flag - it was pretty windy but no one was surfing. as it turns out, i had a couple of other pics in the camera so i guess i'll throw them in here, too.
we are supposed to leave for cocoa tomorrow and stay a month. TADHANA needs some engine work done and cocoa is closer to orlando than sanford would have been. we are not going to make it to the st. john's river this year but we will sit in cocoa, FL instead. everything depends on the weather - today is friday but it is likely that we will not leave vero beach until monday because of the weather. that's fine, too. cruising is not just making repairs in exotic places. it is also making plans and then changing them!
holocaust memorial at miami beach |
check out the chopper on this mega yacht! |
yellow flag means moderate risk at vero beach |