Saturday, July 12, 2014

havre de grace.

we only stayed in georgetown one night because hot weather and thunderstorms were coming and we figured that it would be nice to be plugged in with A/C running.  i forgot to mention that there have been a lot of fireflies this year.  so fun to see them up in the trees - like christmas lights! 

in any case, we motored up to the susquehanna river to havre de grace.  tom and i had never been so we were kind of looking forward to that.  the entrances to tidewater marina's basins are very narrow  to help protect against all the river wake.  it was kind of disconcerting but slow and steady we went - there was plenty of room - but disconcerting nevertheless! 

we ended up staying three nights.  the thing about marinas is cleaning - wash boat, wash dog, change sheets, do gobs of laundry...  you are plugged in and have unlimited water running out of the spigot so you (well, i do anyway) tend to want to wash everything that can be washed.  and since you're plugged in and don't have to be stingy with power, you tend to break out all your appliances that you were avoiding using so as not to run the batteries down. and then you wind up cleaning even more stuff!  when we finally got out of the marina with the loaner car, it was to do grocery shopping!  this was getting pretty pathetic, but we did get around to seeing some of havre de grace.  there is a nice promenade along the river and a couple of museums and a lighthouse.  it was a hot day and we saw an ice cream parlor along the way so we had to stop there.  a really nasty squall blew in on our second night there and made the boat all dirty again after tom had hosed everything down, and then we got another thunderstorm the next evening.  it was nice to be tied up in safety for those.  in any case, we were CLEAN when we left havre de grace and then.....  somehow, as we were headed downriver in a following wind, we must have passed a swarm of somethings because before we knew it, the boat was covered with bugs!  UGH!!!  not just one kind of bug either.  some were midges.  some were tiny black things, i have no idea what they were and one at a time, you could barely see them, but a million at a time?  there were some little green bugs, too.  and it seems that we picked up a few spiders while we were at havre de grace because they had spun webs which initially we didn't see but as they started netting little bugs, they definitely became more visible.  in any case, neither of us dared to open any doors and we just let it be until we reached the junction of the susquehanna and the chesapeake where there was more open water.  tom turned the boat into the wind, hoping to shake some of them off - that didn't do much good.  i went out with a wet towel and proceeded on with a massive insect genocide rampage.  I HATE BUGS!   after going through the whole boat including the flying bridge, i went back inside and started going after the ones that managed to come in through the closed doors.  YUCK!  so that was our little souvenir from havre de grace.  i think what pissed me off the most was that the boat was clean and then it was no longer - just like that!  in any case, onwards to rock hall.

i didn't take too many pics at havre de grace.  most times, it was too hot to even be outside.  and i certainly didn't take a pic of the bug infestation either - i was just too stressed!

the lantern queen river boat

concord lighthouse

where the susquehanna meets the chesapeake


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