Wednesday, December 3, 2014

cumberland island, GA.

on this particular day, we did something that we had never done before - we "bumped out!"   from fort frederica, we went out into the north atlantic ocean from the inlet at st. simons river.  the weather was perfect for it and it saved us the trouble of dealing with the shoaling at jekyll creek and waiting for mid-tide and rising to traverse it.  the difference in distance was only 6 miles more but we saved three hours.  it was actually a very special moment with TADHANA's bottom actually touching the ocean.  let me tell you - it is different!  the ocean waves are further apart so instead of a chop, you just get this rolling motion.

st simon's island light
the ocean!

TADHANA out in the ocean! 

we came in at the st. mary's river inlet and then headed north again into cumberland sound to anchor off of cumberland island, georgia's largest and southernmost barrier island.  it is also a designated national park and i failed to mention that in fort frederica, tom got his senior pass which allows him to get into national parks for free and take me along with him :)  we dinghied ashore that afternoon at seacamp and walked across the island to the beach.  what a wonderful place!  on the way back, i saw my first ever armadillo!  they are pretty cute.  i know that this will not be the last time we visit cumberland island.  there were many parts of it that we missed so we will have to return and explore all of those places. 

seeing cumberland island for the first time

the backside of an armadillo

the path to the beach

boardwalk over the dunes to the beach

the beach! 

several fleet members joined us there.  one boat was desperate for a printer to print out their insurance application or their insurance would run out so i did that for them on my printer.  another boat ran out of toilet paper.  good grief, WHO runs out of toilet paper???  another one ran out of white wine and vegetables.  we didn't have any of that but really, we were starting to feel like the supply boat!  i worked late that night and just as i was about to shut down, after the current turned, i looked up and the boat that had previously been anchored behind us was now in front of us and way too close!  i woke up tom who got in the dinghy and woke the boat owners up.  they started up the engine, moved away and re-anchored.  that was about midnight.  it's a well known fact that things like these ALWAYS happen in the middle of the night.  it's a good thing i was still awake.

the next day, a bunch of us dinghied over to another section of the island to visit the carnegie's dungeness mansion ruins.  it was a very pleasant walk and everyone got a lot of exercise.  two of us actually put our feet in the atlantic - it wasn't that cold.  consuelo chased an armadillo which just goes to show, there is life in the old girl yet! 

the gate to the dungeness mansion

the dungeness mansion ruins

a wild horse of cumberland island

another feral pony

salt marsh

long walk to the beach

cooling off my feet in the water

consuelo resting and taking in some sun

sunset and our dragger duckling

when we dinghied back to our respective boats, we noted that the same guy who had to re-anchor the night before  probably dragged.  he certainly wasn't in the same place.  what's more, it looked like his anchor rode was wrapped around his keel.  anyway, that got straightened out and he re-anchored once more.   i was up late again that night, working, but it was uneventful.  the next morning, however, tom let me sleep in and took consuelo out.  i was only vaguely aware when they returned but then i heard the dinghy motor as it sped away and i thought, "huh?" so i got up and looked outside and one of our ducklings was missing!  guess who?  yup, same guy geez...  well, the story is that tom tried calling his cell phone - no answer.  so he went to one of the other boats to ask if they knew anything and they happened to have the wife's phone number and called that and she answered.  they were still asleep.  they dragged about half a mile away and slept through the whole thing!  incredible that they didn't hit anyone.  oh boy...

in any case, just way too much excitement is all i can say.  we are NOT doing this rally babysitting again! 

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